Thinking in 3rds

The next idea I use when improvising and practicing chromaticising Is connecting thirds,

Connecting a note chromatically to the note in the scale the note names higher. For example connect C to E. This is basically the next degree in the scale after the 2nd, so it’s just one note removed.

In all of our basic scales and modes the interval of a third is either 3 half steps or 4 half steps.

For Example-

C to E are 4 frets away. This is called a major third.

E to G are 3 frets away. This is an example of a minor third.

What does this mean for us? Well we are going to line up or start note and final note on down beats, to make sure we have a good resolution, but we will therefore have to use different rhythmic figures for when we have different amounts of passing notes.

Here’s the rhythmic figures for Major Thirds (Bar 1) vs Minor Thirds (Bar 2)

Practice the scale exercises shown in the video, then try and incorporate these into your lines by using them as lead ins.

Lessons in this Course: