Thinking Long Term

This last concept that I practice is essentially a whole bar of chromatics, hence the name.

The way to think about it –

  • We are playing 8th notes, so there are 8 notes in a bar
  • the first 6  notes of the run will be the chromatic scale in order
  • the last two will be an enclosure or ornament to set up the resolution

Have a Look at this diagram to see how I think about it,

Start on any scale degree, descend 6 chromatic tones, then evaluate where you are. In this diagram, number 1 is the scale degree I start on, then I descend chromatically, playing 1,2,3,4,5,6. From there I have to think about where my target scale tone lies. Is it Target 1 (T1), is it Target 2 (T2), or Target 3 (T3)


If your target scale tone is one fret lower than note 6 (T1)  then play up to it chromatically from two frets below. So the full line would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,T3,T2,T1

If you’re target scale tone is 2 frets lower from where you’ve ended (T2), then enclose it chromatically : One semitone above target, to one semitone below target, to target note. So the full line would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,T1,T3,T2.

If your target note is three frets lower than where you ended (T3), we are going to do a drop approach. Play the chromatic note above the target note, then play up another chromatic note, then drop a tone to the target note. So the full line would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,T2,T1,T3

Practice this with any scale your practicing starting from the top note in the scale, and then the next note down, etc until your target note is the lowest note of the scale.

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